Don’t press your luck, be sure to eat your greens! Try this buttery collard greens recipe featuring Roasted Garlic, Basil, & Parsley Banner Butter.




  1. Boil collard greens in salted water for 15 minutes
  2. Drain collards
  3. Sauté chopped onion in Roasted Garlic. Basil & Parsley butter and olive oil until translucent while collards are draining
  4. Add collards to onion, top with more Roasted Garlic, Basil, & Parsley butter, and sauté for 4-5 more minutes
  5. Add lemon and salt & pepper to taste, and ENJOY!


Roasted Garlic, Basil & Parsley Pack of 6



We find the freshest basil in season, and the freshest garlic. We then slowly roast the garlic bulbs in low heat until they are tender and sweet. These natural companions are carefully combined with high-quality butter.

Because we use the freshest cream and we culture and batch churn in a process that takes up to 20 times longer than mass-production methods, our unsalted butter stands alone with superior flavor and creaminess.

Stock Up! Choose from a pack of 6, 8 and 12 butters or Mix & Match 6 or Mix & Match 12

You can freeze your butter for up to 12 months. Once you’ve put it in the refrigerator, you should eat it within 6 weeks. Not sure you can eat it all that quickly? Try putting half in the freezer, and the other half in the refrigerator.